Channel: LEGO Land
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: escape maze challengemaze with trapsgrave robberymazegrave thieftomb riders loot big treasure from graveescape roomlego robberywoavideosdangerous traps in mazelego city adventureslego mazehow to escape trapstreasure from graveescape from mazestone traplego city robberyhow to escapeescape mazelego treasurelego traplego moneylego citylego storydangerous trapsлегоlego animationlego landlego stop motiontrap in maze
Description: He is looking for big treasure from grave. Unfortunately, he got lost in a maze. What other dangers will he have to face? #legoland #maze #legorobbery #lego #legostopmotion #stopmotion Lego City Adventures | Tomb Riders Loot Big Treasure From Grave ►►See more of LEGO Land: ---------------------------------------------- ►►About LEGO Land LEGO Land is a team with great passion for LEGO and making LEGO Stop Motion Animation Videos. Our videos cover a variety of topics such as LEGO City, LEGO Zombies, LEGO Police, LEGO Robbery, LEGO Human Apocalypse, LEGO Minecrafts, LEGO Agent, LEGO Ninjago, and more. With sarcastic black comedy, we expect and welcome all the audience no less than the age of 15. There is no actual or physical harm caused in the video. If you like the video, don't forget to like, subscribe and share it with your friends! We really appreciate your support. ---------------------------------------------- ►►Music, audio and visual content: All audio and visual content in this channel is owned by SCONNECT. License Certificate Music: (License Number 244511);; Youtube and other sources. ---------------------------------------------- ►►See more playlist: ★ All Videos: ★ Lego Robbery: ★ Lego City: ★ Lego Police: ★ Lego Zombies: ---------------------------------------------- ►►About us: ★ TikTok: ★ Facebook: ★ Our Merch: ★ Gmail: ★ Visit WOA Network website!: Thanks for watсhing my channel. And don't forget to subscribe!!! Lego City Adventures | Tomb Riders Loot Big Treasure From Grave ---------------------------------------------- ►►LEGO Land Team Producer - Tung Nguyen Director - Nga Lee Scriptwriter - Quynh Huong, Nguyet Anh Creator - Duy Nguyen, Quang Anh, Long Dang, Tan Pham, Minh Thanh Animator - Quy Le, Chuyen Duong, Long Dao, Quoc Khanh, Tran Quynh, An Nguyen, Ngoc Anh, Chu Dung, Tuyet Via Compositor - Trang Mon, Quy Ho, Huy Dinh Photography - Nhat Ha, Ngoc Hieu System Developer - Tam Bach